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Festival Op Roakeldais 2025

25 june to 29 june 2025

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Dance with the world

June 25 to june 29, 2025 Festival Op Roakeldais

Looking forward


Looking forward


Welcome Party

On Wednesday evening we welcome all the dance groups. After wefestivelybrought in the flags of the countries with a parade to the festival site, there is a informal program. Dance groups and volunteers do a game show together to have fun and get to know each other.

Traveling with Thijs (primary schools)

Thursday and Friday morning the primary school children go ‘Traveling with Thijs’. Explorer Thijs takes the kids on a trip around the world. Together they board the plain of pilot ‘Ben Laagvlieger’. They travel to the countries of the dance groups. The dance groups teach the children something about their country, the language and culture during this interactive sho

Opening Night

Thursday evening is the Opening Nightof the festival. The general public, including invited guests and dignitaries, can experience the shows of the dance groups for the first time. The show starts with a joint opening act.

Op Roakeldais Experience (High schools).

ORX is a program for the High schools in the region. In the run-up to the festival, an interactive teaching program will be offered at school where you will meet peers from the countries where the dance groups come from. Youare working together on parts of the Friday afternoon program during Op Roakeldais. During the show on Friday afternoon, those parts and the participants come together.

Latin Night

In addition to the Friday night performance, it’s time for a steamy Latin American party. DJs, workshops, dance performances and a live band ensure a steaming dance party.


On Saturday afternoon, the dance groups will march through the streets of Warffum in a festive parade, singing and dancing. This colorful whole invites you to visit the festival. Before the Parade there are small workshops, jam sessions and a culinary market in the center of the village

Party Night / Dance Together

Saturday night is the party night of Op Roakeldais. In addition to the performance, there is a full program with a party band, DJs and the Dance Together. After the performance, all dance groups teach the audience one of their dances.

Final Show

Sunday afternoon it’s already time for the last show. All dance groups perform one last time for the audience. They put their best foot forward to makeit even more special. Together we close the show with a special final performance.


